You can dance妳可以盡情舞動
And when you get the chance當妳捉住機遇
Dig in the dancing queen她起勁以赴成為舞后
Dancing Queen
Dig in the dancing queen她勉力以赴成為舞后
You are the dancing queen妳就是舞后
Looking out for another再尋覓另一個方針
Oh Yes 是的
You are the dancing queen妳就是舞后
With a bit of rock music有一些搖滾樂
Where they play the right music那邊播放著正點的音樂
Agneta Ase Faltskog在Jonkoping市於1950/4/5出身(怎麼把女生的歲數曝露出 其實不敬) 其星座為牡羊座翻譯
的英文老歌舞后Dancing Queen+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文進修
Only seventeen才十七歲
You can jive盡情扭捏
Ooh Ooh 嗚嗚
Friday night and the lights are low週五夜晚 燈光晦暗
Anybody could be that guy任何人都可被選上
And when you get the chance當妳抓住機遇
Leave 'em burning and then you're gone使他們慾火焚身,然後妳就快閃
Ooh Ooh 嗚嗚
Feel the beat from the tambourine抓住鈴鼓的節奏
Night is young and the music's high夜還早,音樂氛圍正奮發
Looking out for a place to go到外面找個地方去玩
See that girl看看阿誰女孩
Ooh Ooh 嗚嗚
Feel the beat from the tambourine捉住鈴鼓的節奏
Dig in the dancing queen她盡力以赴成為舞后
You can dance妳可以縱情舞動
See that girl看看那個女孩
jive=搖擺;having a good time=享受誇姣光陰;scen=景象;Dig in=開動(吃)、勉力以赴,但dig之俚語為懂或喜好;the lights are low=要譯成燈光昏暗,不克不及譯為燈光很低;Looking out for=到外面找;the right music=譯成正點的音樂很逼真;Getting in=沉入而忘情;Night is young=夜還早;a bit of =有一點;get the chance=抓住機遇;Feel the beat=捉住…的節拍;tambourine=鈴鼓;teaser=挑逗者;turn 'em on= turn them on=啟動了=讓他們心癢癢的;will do=…都行
You can dance妳可以縱情舞動
Dig in the dancing queen她努力以赴成為舞后
You can jive縱情搖擺
Getting in the swing讓人沉入而忘情扭捏
You're in the mood for a dance妳舞蹈的情感正昂揚
Only seventeen才十七歲
Watch that scene細心看那幅情景
You're a teaser翻譯社 you turn 'em on妳是個挑逗者,讓他們心癢癢的
You're in the mood for a dance妳舞蹈的情緒正高昂
Having the time of your life盡情享受妳人生誇姣時光
Having the time of your life縱情享受妳人生誇姣時光
See that girl看看阿誰女孩
Dancing queen就成為舞后
Young and sweet年青而甜蜜
Oh Yes 是的
Watch that scene細心看那幅氣象
You come to look for a king妳走去尋找國王
You can jive縱情扭捏
Everything is fine一切都很完善
Anyone will do任何人都行
Having the time of your life縱情享受妳人生美好時光
Young and sweet年青而甜美
Watch that scene細心看那幅景象
Dancing queen就成為舞后