高棉文翻譯語言翻譯公司(代PO 請勿回站內信) 詳細徵才資訊/履歷繳交請參考 https://boards.greenhouse.io/agoda/jobs/218283#.V4H6bpN95ju [此職缺位於泰國曼谷市中間的Central world - 請成心願base於曼谷的再應徵喔] [須有copywriting經驗,且須有2年以上工作經驗] ────────────────────────────────────── [必]企業名稱:Agoda Services Co.翻譯社 Ltd. [必]同一編號:公司位於泰國,無台灣統編 [必]負 責 人:Robert Rosenstein [必]地  址:999/9 Rama I Road,The Offices at Central World 27th floor,Patuwan Bangkok [必]電  話:We prefer contact via email [選]傳  真: ────────────────────────────────────── [必]工作類型:筆譯 [必]全/兼職:全職 [必]涉及說話:英文 v.s. 繁體中文(台灣) [必]所屬範疇:旅遊/網路行銷 [必]酬勞較量爭論:按公司劃定 - 泰國法規台籍人士最低新資THB 45,000 ────────────────────────────────────── [必]應徵前提: Intro: Our Product Development Department is looking for a Language Specialist, to take ownership of website content in your native language to provide a great experience to local audience. In this role you will be responsible for content translations, localization ideas, making recommendations for the overall look and feel of our products. In addition you will work on targeted strategies to increase Agoda’s brand visibility and optimize marketing efforts in Taiwan market. The Language Specialist will report to our Foreign Language Operations Manager. This position is based in Bangkok翻譯社 Thailand. Qualifications: ‧ Taiwanese only ‧ University or College Degree ‧ At least 2 years full-time work experience翻譯社 preferably in Travel/Advertising/Publishing ‧ Solid Chinese copywriting experience ‧ Good English skills and translation skills ‧ Good internet knowledge and comfortable with research ‧ Strong organizational and time management skills ‧ Able to meet deadlines in a fast paced environment ‧ Excel and basic HTML knowledge is a plus ‧ A good team player with an excellent eye for detail who takes initiative to make things better ‧ PLEASE NOTE: We will only review applications submitted with an English CV ‧ Responsibilities: ‧ Maintain quality of website content translation/localization ‧ Provide localization ideas and add a linguistic perspective to development ‧ Translate English content (site updates, hotel content, press releases, travel articles翻譯社 promotional emails and newsletters) closely following Agoda brand and language guidelines ‧ Recruit, manage and supervise freelancers ‧ Ensure freelance translations meet required quality standards ‧ Conduct website reviews for inconsistencies and localization issues ‧ Analyze language specific data to optimize website and campaign performance ‧ Conduct marketing activities to increase visibility of Agoda and website traffic within the target market ‧ Assist with interdepartmental requests ‧ Ad-hoc administrative duties [必]應徵刻日:徵到為止 [必]聯 絡 人:Zoe [必]聯絡體式格局:https://boards.greenhouse.io/agoda/jobs/218283#.V4H6bpN95ju ────────────────────────────────────── [選]其他事項: 1. 請務必附上英文履歷,僅遞交中文履歷將視同資曆不符 2. 此職位需長駐曼谷翻譯登科者必需供應最少2年的全職工作經驗證實, 公司會協助辦理泰國工作簽與工作許可證 3. 代PO/站內信不予答複 -- 艾瑞克的LifeBook搬遷嘍 http://eric101215.pixnet.net/blog


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日語口譯價格語言翻譯公司輔大性侵案風暴越滾越大,因社科院長夏林清被學生指控處置懲罰法式不當,言語造成學生二度危險等,輔大昨召開性平會後,校方抉擇即日起臨時住手夏林清院長職務,夏林清昨晚接管電訪時表示,今朝未接獲通知,但如果屬實,她無法接管翻譯談新南向 泰前外長建議台灣打民主牌
此議一出當即引來批評聲浪,立委痛批政策不成熟就宣布,行政院長林全也打臉說:「老屋健檢是辦事性質,不會成為生意房屋前提翻譯」內政部長葉俊榮強調只是「研議的構思」,不會強迫。內政部次長花敬群前天泄漏,內政部正研擬修改《建築法》,鞭策30年以上老屋強迫健檢,未來老屋生意需附健檢證實。花昨未公開露面,僅低調說會虛心接管指摘翻譯房屋健檢費 從3萬到百萬


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string message = "Hello there";
// Translate the passed message into UTF8ASCII and store it as a Byte array.
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message);         
NetworkStream stream = tcpClient.GetStream( );
// Send the message to the connected TcpServer. 
// The write flushes the stream automatically here
stream.Write(bytes翻譯社 0, bytes.Length);

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台語的反置複合詞仿佛是唐宋之前的漢字辭彙較多,好比《詩誙》差遲 > 池差 (參閱筆者的推論「歪可池差」uai-ko-tshi-taua );《韓非子》弛張 > 張弛(俗作張持)。台語的反置複合詞仿佛是唐宋以前的漢字辭彙較多,好比《詩誙》差遲 > 池差 (參閱筆者的推論「歪可池差」uai-ko-tshi-taua );《韓非子》弛張 > 張弛(俗作張持)。這個是罕見複合詞反置的近古文献,我們沒法知道倒置的「蚪蝌」是詩人所知的老例用語,或是限於詩句的壓韻。


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